Jollichimp marks the latest misstep in human evolution, and, as a direct result, the arrival of the semi-twisted thump-o-sounds that naturally occur when things go a bit phenotypically sideways.
Designed, built, and operated by The Klown (founder and frontman of the renowned and notorious electro-funk band Gooferman, as well as primatological offspring ZjitZjo, Jolligood Carnival Supply, and TrashKan Marchink Band) Jollichimp uses DARPA-level circus distillate to fuel an ever-changing, hyperflavored musical gumbo known far and wide as Funhouse Bass — a naughty purée of West Coast bass, global bass, breaks, glitch, drum & bass, rock, soul, house, and nu funk — to intentionally infect human souls with the kind of neolithic wiggle you can only find in, on, and/or around a proper psychonautical trip.
On the visuals front, Jollichimp is actively involved with the latest grand experiments in AI-generated art and film, pulling robot-enhanced graphics in all kinds of misdirections and into performance with the gravity and glamor of a symbiotic, sense-o-matic black hole, for the purposes of both show and tell.

As a one-klown band, certain unusual rabbits necessarily have to be pulled out of certain unusual hats to achieve The Desired Effect. To that end, The Klown is the special-forces operator behind the hardware and software midway that serves up Jollichimp’s live show. That science+magic mess includes:
- Ableton Live
- MacBook Pro
- Raven MTi2
- M-Audio AIR 192|8 Audio Interface
- Yamaha DD75AD Portable Digital Drums
- Boss RC-505s
- AeroBand PocketDrum 2 Plus
- Alesis TurboMesh Drum Kit (extended)
- VTech KidiStar DJ Mixer
- Behringer Europower PMP4000 Mixer
- Whole bunch of DMX lights / Movers
- GECKO Maple Leaf U-BASS
- Grote P90 Jazz Guitar
- i8-Pro Digital Wind Instrument
- 3-head Rototom
- and a Patridge in a Gotdam Pear Tree

Behold the hopper fodder, swiped from the bowels of the Jolligood lab, where they’re undergoing semi-supervised steroid treatment as they stumble toward release-level bioluminescence.